Plot = import("")
import {interval} from '@mootari/range-slider' // two ended slider
fontFamily = "Source Sans Pro"
fontSize = ".7rem"
age_label = "Age (months)"
filter_error = '<p class="filter-error"><i class="bi bi-exclamation-triangle"></i> No data found for selected filters</p>'
kl = transpose(kl_data)
tr = transpose(trial_data)
Facet by…
fx = fs.includes("method") ? "method" : null // fx = "method" or null
fy = fs.filter(x => x !== "method").join("_")
Filter by…
viewof ages = interval([d3.min(kl_data.age), d3.max(kl_data.age)],
{step: 1, label: "Age (months)"})
// kl filter
cp_sort = (a, b) => a === "CP-knower" ? 1 : b === "CP-knower" ? -1 : a.localeCompare(b);
kl_vals = Array.from(new Set(kl_data.kl)).sort(cp_sort) // options
kl_defs = kl_vals.filter(s => /^[123C]/.test(s)) // default
viewof kls =, {label: "Knower levels", multiple: true, value: kl_defs})
// kl subset toggle
viewof kl_sub = Inputs.checkbox(["Group non-CP-knowers together"])
kl_y = kl_sub.length ? "kl_subset" : "kl"
// language filter
lang_vals = Array.from(new Set(kl_data.language_countries)).sort() // options
lang_defs = lang_vals.filter(s => /English/.test(s))
viewof langs =, {label: "Languages", multiple: true, value: lang_defs})
// country filter
country_vals = Array.from(new Set(kl_data.country_languages)).sort() // options
country_defs = country_vals.filter(s => /English/.test(s))
viewof countries =, {label: "Countries", multiple: true, value: country_defs})
// dataset filter
dataset_vals = Array.from(new Set(kl_data.dataset_id)).sort() // options
dataset_defs = dataset_vals // default
viewof datasets =, {label: "Datasets", multiple: true, value: dataset_defs})
klf = kl.filter(d => langs.includes(d.language_countries))
.filter(d => countries.includes(d.country_languages))
.filter(d => datasets.includes(d.dataset_id))
.filter(d => kls.includes(d.kl))
.filter(d => d.age >= ages[0] && d.age <= ages[1])
// possible kl values in filtered data
klfv = Array.from(new Set( => d[kl_y]))).sort(cp_sort)
kl_found = klf.length > 0
Note that some queries may not return data. To ensure an output, we recommend selecting all countries and languages and removing them one-by-one.
ss_margin = 180
kl_found ? Plot.plot({
title: "Counts of knower level in each dataset",
style: { fontFamily: fontFamily, fontSize: fontSize },
marginLeft: ss_margin,
color: { legend: true, domain: klfv, marginLeft: ss_margin},
x: { label: "", labelAnchor: "center", labelArrow: "none", axis: "top" },
y: { label: "Dataset", labelAnchor: "top", tickSize: 0, tickPadding: 2 },
marks: [
Plot.barX(klf, Plot.groupY(
{ x: "count" },
{ fill: kl_y, y: "dataset_id", inset: 1, sort: { y: "x", reverse: true, } }
Plot.textX(klf, Plot.stackX(Plot.groupY(
{ x: "count", text: "count" },
{ y: "dataset_id", z: kl_y, fill: "white" }
}) : html``
// boxplot
kl_found ? Plot.plot({
title: "Distribution of knower level over age",
style: { fontFamily: fontFamily, fontSize: fontSize },
marginLeft: 60,
marginRight: 100,
x: { label: age_label, grid: true, inset: 10, line: true, labelAnchor: "center", labelArrow: "none" },
y: { label: "Knower level", labelAnchor: "top", tickSize: 0, tickPadding: 2, domain: klfv },
color: { domain: klfv },
facet: { label: null },
marks: [
Plot.boxX(klf, {
x: "age",
y: kl_y,
fx: fx,
fy: fy,
fill: kl_y
}) : html``
// cumulative probability plot
kl_found ? Plot.plot({
title: "Cumulative probability of knower level over age",
style: { fontFamily: fontFamily, fontSize: fontSize },
marginRight: 100,
color: { legend: true, domain: klfv },
x: { label: age_label, grid: true, inset: 10, line: true, labelAnchor: "center", labelArrow: "none" },
y: { label: "Cumulative probability of knower level", inset: 5, line: true, labelAnchor: "center", labelArrow: "none" },
facet: { label: null },
marks: [
Plot.lineY(klf, Plot.normalizeY("extent", // scale to 0-1
Plot.mapY("cumsum", // cumulative sum
Plot.binY({ y: "count" }, { // count in each age bin
x: "age",
stroke: kl_y,
fx: fx,
fy: fy
}) : html``
Note that some queries may not return data. To ensure an output, we recommend selecting all countries and languages and removing them one-by-one.
trf = tr.filter(d => langs.includes(d.language_countries))
.filter(d => countries.includes(d.country_languages))
.filter(d => datasets.includes(d.dataset_id))
.filter(d => kls.includes(d.kl))
.filter(d => d.age >= ages[0] && d.age <= ages[1])
tr_found = trf.length > 0
rc_map = d3.rollup(trf, v => v.length, d => d[kl_y], d => d.query, d => d.response)
rc = Array.from(rc_map, ([kl, kl_responses]) =>
Array.from(kl_responses, ([query, query_responses]) =>
Array.from(query_responses, ([response, count]) =>
({ kl, query, response, count, total: d3.sum(query_responses.values())})
).map(d => ({ ...d, proportion: d.count / }))
tr_found ? Plot.plot({
title: "Distribution of responses by knower level",
style: { fontFamily: fontFamily, fontSize: fontSize },
width: 950,
height: 120 * rc_map.size,
marginRight: 100,
x: { label: "Response" },
y: { label: "Proportion responses", grid: true, domain: [0, 1] },
fx: { label: "Query" },
fy: { label: null, padding: 0.2, domain: klfv },
color: { domain: klfv },
marks: [
Plot.rectY(rc, {
x: "response",
y: "proportion",
fx: "query",
fy: "kl",
fill: "kl",
padding: 0.03
Plot.axisX({ facetAnchor: null }),
Plot.axisY({ facetAnchor: "left", labelAnchor: "center", labelArrow: "none" }),
}) : html``
Note that some queries may not return data. To ensure an output, we recommend selecting all countries and languages and removing them one-by-one.
// sample size plot
hc_found ? Plot.plot({
title: "Counts in each dataset",
style: { fontFamily: fontFamily, fontSize: fontSize },
marginLeft: ss_margin,
x: { label: "", labelAnchor: "center", labelArrow: "none", axis: "top" },
y: { label: "Dataset", labelAnchor: "top", tickSize: 0, tickPadding: 2 },
//x: { axis: "top", label: "Count" },
//y: { label: "Dataset" },
marks: [
Plot.barX(hcf, Plot.groupY(
{ x: "count" },
{ y: "dataset_id", inset: 1, sort: { y: "x", reverse: true, } } //order: "sum"
Plot.textX(hcf, Plot.stackX(Plot.groupY(
{ x: "count", text: "count" },
{ y: "dataset_id", fill: "white", } //order: "sum" }
}) : html``
hc_found ? Plot.plot({
title: "Highest count over age",
style: { fontFamily: fontFamily, fontSize: fontSize },
marginRight: 100,
//color: { legend: true, domain: klfv },
x: { label: age_label, grid: true, inset: 10, line: true, labelAnchor: "center", labelArrow: "none" },
y: { label: "Highest count", inset: 5, line: true, labelAnchor: "center", labelArrow: "none" },
//x: { label: age_label, grid: true, inset: 10 },
//y: { label: "Highest count", inset: 10 },
facet: { label: null },
marks: [
//Plot.frame(),, {
x: "age",
y: "hc",
fill: "black",
fx: fx,
fy: fy
}) : html``
hc_found ? Plot.plot({
title: "Distribution of highest count",
style: { fontFamily: fontFamily, fontSize: fontSize },
marginRight: 100,
//color: { legend: true, domain: klfv },
x: { label: "Highest count", grid: true, inset: 10, line: true, labelAnchor: "center", labelArrow: "none" },
y: { line: true, labelAnchor: "center", labelArrow: "none" },
//x: { label: "Highest count", grid: true, inset: 10 },
//y: { inset: 10 },
facet: { label: null },
marks: [
Plot.rectY(hcf, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {
x: "hc",
fx: fx,
fy: fy
}) : html``
// boxplot
hc_found ? Plot.plot({
title: "Distribution of highest count by knower level",
style: { fontFamily: fontFamily, fontSize: fontSize },
marginLeft: 60,
marginRight: 100,
x: { label: "Highest count", grid: true, inset: 10, line: true, labelAnchor: "center", labelArrow: "none" },
y: { label: "Knower level", labelAnchor: "top", tickSize: 0, tickPadding: 2, domain: klfv },
//x: { label: "Highest count", grid: true, inset: 10 },
//y: { label: "Knower level", domain: klfv },
color: { domain: klfv },
facet: { label: null },
marks: [
Plot.boxX(hcf, {
x: "hc",
y: kl_y,
fx: fx,
fy: fy,
fill: kl_y
}) : html``