dictionary = data_index
function createDatasetMap(df) {
let dataArray = Array.from({ length: df[Object.keys(df)[0]].length }, (_, i) => {
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(df).map(([key, values]) => [key, values[i]]));
// Sort the array alphabetically by dataset
dataArray.sort((a, b) => a.dataset.localeCompare(b.dataset));
// Create the map from sorted array
let datasetMap = new Map();
for (let row of dataArray) {
datasetMap.set(row.dataset, row);
return datasetMap;
// Create dataset map from data_index instead of metadata
dataset_map = createDatasetMap(data_index);
// Dataset selector with default value
viewof dataset =
label: 'Dataset',
// Set default value to first entry in the map
value: Array.from(dataset_map.values())[0]
// Function to find dataset info from dictionary (fixed field name)
function findDatasetInfo(dictionary, datasetName) {
// Convert dictionary column data into array of objects
const dictionaryArray = Array.from({ length: dictionary[Object.keys(dictionary)[0]].length }, (_, i) => {
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(dictionary).map(([key, values]) => [key, values[i]]));
// Now we can use find on the array
const dictRow = dictionaryArray.find(row => row.dataset === datasetName);
return {
reference: dictRow?.reference || "Reference not available",
BibTex: dictRow?.BibTex || "BibTeX not available",
doi: dictRow?.doi
// Function to find dataset name from the Map
function findDatasetNameFromMap(map, selectedDataset) {
for (let [key, value] of map.entries()) {
if (value === selectedDataset) {
return key;
return null;
// Look up the name of the dataset
dataset_name = findDatasetNameFromMap(dataset_map, dataset);
dataset_info = findDatasetInfo(dictionary, dataset_name);
// Create the display elements with reference and BibTeX
display = {
const sanitizedDatasetName = dataset_name.replace(/\./g, "_"); // Replace all dots with underscores
const url = `${sanitizedDatasetName}`;
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" class="reference-text">${dataset_info.reference}</div>
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<!-- R Package Citation -->
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">To cite using IRW's R package</button>
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// Update BibTeX text
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if (bibtexElement) {
bibtexElement.textContent = dataset_info.BibTex || "BibTeX not available";
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